Friday, 19 March 2010

Be Nice!

Be nice; happiness will be our revenge
On the right: "Happiness will be our revenge"


  1. This one looks good, too! And, I'm happy that my "Attic Greek" is at least useful in reading a little bit of modern Greek!

  2. Thanks again, Rick! I 'm glad I gave you a chance to dust off your Greek. ;-)

  3. Gee, I was going to say how much I liked the picture, but now I'm more inclined to deal with the mental picture of Rick dusting off his Greek. I haven't dusted off a Greek since that time when I was in my twenties and met that Mediterranean sailor on the upper end of Decatur Street, and ... well, what memories.

  4. Hi Glenn and thank you!
    I hope these were good memories!

  5. You guessed right! This one is from Athens although I don't live there.
