Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Open window


  1. ΩΩΩ, αυτό που μου αρέσει είναι ότι ενώ στο καλώδιο η αντανάκλαση συνεχίζεται, στην πρασινάδα, σπάει!!

  2. Κι έλεγα κι εγώ: τι μου ήρθε τώρα να βάλω αυτή τη φωτογραφία... Μπράβο βρε Σοφία, φαίνεται ότι... το υποσυνείδητο κάτι πρόσεξε κι εσύ το έφερες στην επιφάνεια! :)

  3. Another intriguing picture. I like the reflections in the glass, which serve as a comment on the reality beyond (both natural and man made) and a repetitive motif.

    What's happening over thee on the other side of the world? Both you and Rick are posting some extraordinary images.

  4. It's so flattering to read a comment from you saying that I post extraordinary images - which Rick certainly does.

    As I said to Sophia, I don't even know what I was thinking when I posted this photo. I just picked it and put it there. In fact, some of my pictures people liked most are made that way.

  5. I've looked at this several times. At first I thought it was sort of gloomy and sad. Now I have grown to like it, especially the wire against the light grey. sp
